Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Are you lost?

This blog post is specifically for all of the beginners out there who are discovering the Internet Marketing world for the first time. It's exciting, confusing and OVERWHELMING, isn't it? I was once a “lost” beginner too, so I know exactly how you feel! And just like you, I was (and still am) amazed by the great names in this still-new industry. There are a lot of great teachers out there who's success speaks for itself. Just be aware that there are also many industry 'gurus' who aren't actually the real thing. They've got great websites, videos and even live seminars. But just like the late-night real estate infomercials you see on TV, they're really just selling re-hashed ebooks and courses that aren't anything new. It's not that it's 'bad' information, it's just that sometimes you will get suckered into paying lots of money for the same stuff from lots of different people.

So whether you've already heard this or not, here is some Free advice that is essential knowledge for anyone just starting out. I merely want to highlight some important realities about this business, and my intention is to provide the facts for people who are still unsure whether or not they are going to jump on this bandwagon or not. And by the way, if you have working at online business for awhile, you might get some nuggets here too.... or at least confirm what you've been learning:

1.) Be patient and pay your dues.

Unless you have between $20,000 to $50,000 to invest with an expert team who will set up (and maintain) your business for you, it will take plenty of time to learn how to operate online. It's an enormous amount of information to digest. That means that you 'get it' in little bits at a time, here and there. You might as well know right now that there isn't any quick and easy path to setting up a profitable online business. NOBODY does it overnight.

2.) Learn everything you can about email marketing.

I am assuming that you are here because you've heard of TrafficWave, autoresponders and/or email marketing. That's important, because list-building (i.e. building your email contact list) will be the most important thing that you will ever do. List-building also involves relationship-building, branding and establishing credibility as well. It's no secret. If you have a large and responsive email list, you can pretty much write your own ticket. Remember this statement, “Take care of your list and your list will take care of you.” And by the way, this has nothing to do with collecting 'friends' in places like Facebook and Twitter. That's an entirely different subject!

3.) Never, never quit!

Once you have your TrafficWave account set up, it's only the beginning. Your quest for Internet riches will be a long and difficult journey. Knowing this advance will make the road ahead less daunting!

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